Monday, November 1, 2010

It's only the beginning ...

Once upon a time, while living in a foreign land (let’s call it Japan), I found myself sitting around with five hungry friends, when a brilliant concept suddenly appeared to us. Seemingly out of nowhere, we decided that the one thing missing in our lives was a great variety of food – the spice of life. And so, the idea of Monday Night Dinner Club was formed.

Our mission was simple – to find unique restaurants in Tokyo, serving non-Japanese fare. We would meet up once a week, savour the delicious meals, talk about life, the universe and everything, and find ourselves completely re-energised for the week to come.

Years later, while living in Sydney, I decided to reinvent the idea. Reinvention meant moving dinners to Wednesdays (crazy, I know!) and encouraging absolutely everyone to come along for dinner every week as we worked our way through Sydney’s restaurant offerings. Wanting some sort of structure, we decided to go through restaurants from A – Z. It was a great concept, resulted in tons of fun, lots of set-ups, delicious meals, but also – a ton of stress. The dinners were getting way too big, and the commitment of meeting up every single week was making one grumpy woman out of me.

And so, the concept fizzled, and eventually died.

Died, that is, until a sudden craving made me reinvent it. Taking out the stress factors – namely the weekly meetings, and the huge group of people – Dinner Club came back better than ever. Let’s hope.

So the new concept is simple and effective. Six girls. Fortnightly dinners. Sydney’s best restaurants. Great conversation. Sexy outfits. Wonderful laughing fits. And so, we begin.

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